Chun Cheng

Chun Cheng is a PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics at Polytechnique Montreal, under the supervision of Professors Louis-Martin Rousseau and Yossiri Adulyasak. Her research interests include theory and applications of robust optimization, vehicle routing problem, and reliable supply chain network design. In the first part of her PhD project, Chun has developed Branch-and-Cut algorithms for a drone routing problem, where various cuts are proposed for a nonlinear energy function. In the second part, she applies a two-stage robust optimization method for a reliable fixed-charge location problem. For the third part of her project, she is currently working on an inventory routing problem with uncertainty, where robust optimization and stochastic optimization methods might be applied.



A Selection of Working Papers

Zhou H, Qin H, Cheng C, Rousseau L-M, (2023), An exact algorithm for the two-echelon vehicle routing problem with drones.

Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M, Yu Q, Cheng C, (2022), Reliable Facility Location Under Event-Correlated Uncertainty.

Cheng C, Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M, Sim M, (2022), Robust Drone Delivery with Weather Information.

Journal and Conference Publications - 2024

Cheng C, Yu Q, Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M, (2024), Distributionally Robust Facility Location with Uncertain Facility Capacity and Customer Demand, Volume 122, 102959, Omega.


Cheng, C., Adulyasak, Y. and Rousseau, L.M., (2021), Robust Facility Location Under Demand Uncertainty and Facility Disruptions, Omega, 103: 102429.

Cheng, C., Adulyasak, Y. and Rousseau, L.M., (2021), Robust Facility Location Under Disruptions, INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 3(3):227-314.


Cheng, C, Adulyasak, Y and Rousseau, L-M, (2020), «Drone Routing with Energy Function: Formulation and Exact Algorithm». Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 139: 364-387.


Cheng C, Qi M, Zhang Y, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A two-stage robust approach for the reliable logistics network design problem”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 111: 185-202.

Cheng C, Qi M, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A Fuel Consumption Optimization Model for the Multi-Period Inventory Routing Problem”, Transportation Research Record Journal, 2672(9): 59-69.


Cheng C, Yang P, Qi M, Rousseau L-M, (2017), “Modeling a Green Inventory Routing Problem with a Heterogeneous Fleet”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 97:97–112.